2022 Annual General Meeting

Unfortunately there were not enough members present for thw AGM and we were unable to form a quorum so it could not be held. There were only 12 members present when the constitution requires a mimumum of 15 to be quorate. Those present agrees that the most sensible way forward is to hold a live, face to face meeting later in the year after the main rally season has finished.

It was agreed that the best way forward is to attempt to implement the itinerary that was originally planned for this weekend with a few alterations to ensure that all eventualities can be covered. Derek is negotiating with the hotel and it loosk as though the weekend of 8th-9th October is the most likely date, although this must be confirmed with the hotel. Please keep this date free if possible and keep an eye on the website and the next edition of Rolling for more information.

Derek has confirmed that the hotel is available for the weekend in October. Please keep the date free and watch the website and Rolling for details  on how to book. I sincerely hope that his time we will be able to complete the live meeting.


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