Cornish Adventure


Over the past few months we have been featuring a selection of images on both our Facebook and Instagram accounts that feature a trio of engines captured by Kieran Richards last October on a private Road Run along the coastline of Cornwall.

Two Rollers featured, a Fowler and a Burrell as well as a diminutive Aveling & Porter Tractor. 

As images from 2020 are thin on the ground we are on the look out for more photographs that may have been taken on private runs. We feel it's important to continue to document things as they occur for the history books and for rally goers to see. After all most Mondays the Internet is generally alive with weekend activities, just because there have been no shows it doesn't mean that there was no activity.

So if you have had your roller out, spotted one on manoeuvres or simply enjoyed its company drop the Association a picture or two and we'll happily share with other enthusiasts to brighten their day. 



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